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“When I first got here [to St. Ann’s], I was mad. But then I realized that it isn’t all about me anymore, I needed to take care of my baby. So I got my act together. Because I changed my outlook, I was placed on Ms. Rhonda’s Honor Board for doing well in the program, in school, and for taking care of myself during my pregnancy. Now, I am so happy. I want to thank Ms. Rhonda and Ms. Swain for being there for me.”

– A Grace House Resident

Success Story: Christina


Finding Her Son's Strength




“I had to drop out of school when I gave birth to my daughter because I couldn’t afford child care for her. I never thought I would be able to get my high school diploma. Now that I am in St. Ann’s High School, I am working really hard to get straight A’s. I want my daughter to see me walk down the aisle on graduation day and be proud of her mom.”

– A Grace House Resident

Success Story: Charde


St. Ann's High School Graduate




"I wanted to call and say, since I was moving out and didn't get the chance to say it in person, thank you for all the support you provided. I can honestly say the work we did together was a big help when I finally moved out."

– A Former Hope House Resident

Success Story: Carla


Putting New Skills to Practice

Child Care



"I don't know where my child and I would be if not for St. Ann's Child Care Center. I feel so comfortable going to work every day knowing that my baby is being cared for by caring, knowledgeable teachers. He is learning new things all the time and his teachers help me make sure he is on track with all of his developmental milestones."

- Hope House Resident

Success Story: Gabrielle


Building Her Son's Vocabulary