For families with children, food insecurity increases during the summer months. But now, the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is here to help.
Summer Meals for Maryland's Students
In the June 2016 edition of the Education and Employment Program (EEP) Newsletter, Justin Cartagena offers suggestions for balancing the dueling responsibilities of parenthood and career.
From the EEP Newsletter: The Job Search/Life BalanceLearn more about how you can join our Do More 24 campaign to bring health, fun and exercise to the families at St. Ann's.
Power your Community with Do More 24Eboni Caldwell, a former resident of St. Ann's Center and mother of two, tells her story of success, perseverance and giving back.
Eboni's Story
Snapshots from our May 4th, 2016 celebration of Hope Blossoms at Columbia Country Club.
Hope Blossoms 2016: A Night to Remember
In the April 2016 edition of the Education and Employment Program (EEP) Newsletter, Justin Cartagena reminds job applicants to carefully consider how they follow up with potential employers following an interview.
From the EEP Newsletter: Interview Follow-Up