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Housing & Support

A Path to Stability
Our goal is to help young mothers and their children build the foundation for a strong family, successful career and lifelong independence.
As a residential facility, we operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
St. Ann's Center operates three supportive housing programs for at-risk mothers and their children: Grace House, Hope House & Faith House. Our wrap-around services include an education and employment program, nursing care, parenting classes, life skills training, child care, individual and family counseling, and social and cultural activities.
Grace House
The home of our Teen Mother & Baby Program, Grace House offers residential care for pregnant adolescents and young mothers (ages 13-21) and their babies.
Hope House & Faith House
A transitional and supportive housing program for pregnant and parenting women experiencing homelessness and instability.
Employment Counseling
A dynamic employment support program designed to help young families overcome the barriers to career mobility and success. Our on-site Employment Counselor supports clients in their job searches and provides one-on-one career guidance, including resume writing assistance, mock interviews, job etiquette guidance, budgeting and volunteer opportunities.
In our on-site, Education Center, pregnant and parenting young women have the opportunity to receive tutoring, GED preparation courses and gain internship experience.
Life Skills
A key component of our housing programs is our on-site parenting and life skills curriculum, offering classes in subjects ranging from cooking to money management to violence prevention.
Client's Rights
Every client has a RIGHT –
- to a safe and healthy environment;
- to be treated by staff and peers with respect;
- to be free from physical, verbal, sexual or emotional abuse;
- to be free from unauthorized physical restraint or isolation;
- to be afforded adequate personal space and privacy;
- to confidentiality and protection of personal information;
- to be provided care/services in a non-discriminatory manner without regard to race, religion, sexual orientation, or disabilities;
- to written and oral communication in a manner which meets individual needs;
- to services that foster total development (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual), and to age appropriate guidance in the pursuit of these goals;
- to freely express and practice religious and spiritual beliefs;
- to the consistent enforcement of program rules and expectations;
- to be allowed full participation in the formulation of a service plan and to request an in-house review of his or her care, treatment, and service plan;
- to refuse services or treatment unless mandated by court order and to be informed of the implications of such refusal;
- to be informed of applicable fees and expenses prior to service delivery;
- to file a grievance with regard to any perceived violation of these rights.