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Ways to Donate

St. Ann's Center for Children, Youth & Families, EIN 53-0204626

When you give to St. Ann’s Center:

  • You give pregnant and parenting women facing homelessness a safe and caring home
  • You give young mothers who’ve been couch-surfing with their young children a place to call their own.
  • You give hope to families who have endured too much trauma in their young lives.
  • You give women encouraging people who will listen, care, and teach.
  • You give mothers a helping hand on their journey toward stability and a brighter future for themselves and their children.

Thank you for your kindness and generosity!

Here are a few ways that you can make a gift to support the immediate needs of our families or the long-term sustainability of our programs. Most gifts are tax deductible. Please check with your financial advisor or tax preparer to confirm.

You may make your gift online by:

  1. Visiting our secure donation webpage 
  2. Sending your check made payable to St. Ann's Center to

    4901 Eastern Avenue, Hyattsville, MD 20782

For questions about donations, please contact [email protected]

Workplace Giving

Matching Gifts

Gift in Honor

Gifts of Stock

Circle of Angels

Legacy and Planned Giving

In-Kind Donations

Donor Bill of Rights


Workplace Giving

St. Ann's is a member agency of the following Workplace Giving Campaigns:

United Way  #8180
Combined Federal Campaign  #29344
Maryland Charity Campaign  #53-0204626

We hope you will consider supporting St. Ann’s through payroll deductions in your workplace campaign. If you have any questions, please contact your HR Professional or our Development team at (301) 559-5500 or [email protected].

Matching Gifts

Many employers will match your charitable gift. You are able to double or even triple your support. Please check with your employer if you would like to send St. Ann's a matching. Also, contact St. Ann’s Development Department ([email protected] or 301-559-5500) to let us know of your gift. 

Gift in Honor

Like a guardian angel helps a child get through difficult times, St. Ann’s Circle of Angels advances our mission throughout the year by pledging to contribute monthly or quarterly. Please click here to donate now.

Legacy & Planned Giving

Leave a legacy of hope for vulnerable families by making a bequest or including St. Ann’s in your estate plan. Our EIN is 53-0204626. For more information about these opportunities, please call (301) 559-5500.

Named Endowments

You can provide St. Ann’s with a permanent and automatically growing source of support by starting a Named Endowment. Each year, a portion of the fund's market value will go to St. Ann's, and the remainder of the increased value will be reinvested to grow the fund. This Named Endowment can provide you with a Permanent Memorial, and St. Ann's with a growing, predictable, and permanent income to support the work of St. Ann's Center.

To explore our Named Endowment opportunity, please contact (301) 559-5500 or [email protected].

St. Ann's Donor Trust

In St. Ann’s Donor Trust, your principal gift will be invested and used exclusively to carry out the mission of St. Ann’s. Funds administered by the Trust include capital building funds, bequests, and endowment funds. You can set the terms for how restricted gifts are disbursed. You can even establish a charitable gift annuity. Investments are overseen by the Donor Trustees and professionally managed by an investment advisor.

To learn more, please contact St. Ann’s at (301) 559-5500 or [email protected].

In-Kind Donation

Click here to shop our Amazon Wish List »

Whether it is a box of diapers for a newborn or a new blazer for a young mother entering the workforce, we are always in need of quality in-kind donations. Learn more about our most pressing needs by visiting our online Wish List.

New clothing/items are greatly appreciated!

Until further notice, out of an abundance of caution, St. Ann's Center will not accept donations of used clothing and/or used items. Thank you for understanding.

Donor Bill of Rights

St. Ann’s Center for Children, Youth and Families adheres to the Donor Bill of Rights as developed by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), the Association For Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP), the Council For Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), and the Giving Institute: Leading Consultants to Non-Profits.