Christmas 2024 Message from Sister Nancy Downing, CEO

This blog is part of a monthly reflection series from Sister Nancy Downing - CEO, St. Ann's Center.
Find more of these reflections by visiting the archive: Sister Nancy's Note.

View "Sister Nancy's Note" as a video message HERE!
Hello, everyone! Sister Nancy Downing here.
I want to take one moment to wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas from all of us here at St. Ann's Center for Children. Youth and Families.
Thank you for the love and support you have given St. Ann's families in 2024. Because of you, 23 families will be able to celebrate Christmas together at St. Ann's Center. Your help has created the warm and festive atmosphere our families deserve.
Most importantly, you've helped provide the gift of hope for the year ahead. Each woman at St. Ann's has her own goals and hopes for 2025. And thanks to you, each woman will be supported in pursuing her goals.
You are a gift to St. Ann's. We appreciate you, and we can't wait to see you next year. Merry Christmas, and Happy and Blessed New Year.
Thank you and God bless you.
Sister Nancy Downing, CND
CEO, St. Ann's Center for Children, Youth and Families
Help Families Prepare for a Hopeful New Year
Your gift by December 31 will help families at St. Ann's Center begin the new year empowered and equipped for success. Thank you for your support!
Mission: St. Ann’s Center helps mothers and children overcome crisis and achieve lasting independence and stability by providing a safe and supportive home, child care, education and employment assistance, and clinical social work services within a Catholic community that welcomes all.