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St. Ann’s Blog

We can't believe it has already been one week since Hope Blossoms 2018. What a joyous night! On behalf of St. Ann's Board of Directors, staff and the young families we serve, we want to thank all those who joined us on May 2nd.

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Social workers confront some of the most challenging issues facing individuals, families, communities, and society and provide solutions that help people reach their full potential.

We celebrate the contribution of social workers during National Social Work Month. St. Ann’s especially celebrates and recognizes the social workers that have played a vital role in the lives of the young mothers and children we service.

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This past week St. Ann’s experienced the loss of a dear friend, Anne Schneiders. Anne was a force within the community. With a deep passion to help the most vulnerable children in this country, Anne dedicated her life to giving a voice to our youngest members in society.

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